Accessibility Conformance Report for Audiom

Evaluated by
Nic Chan
Commissioned by
Brandon Biggs, Audiom
WCAG 2.1, Level AAA
December 2022

Executive summary

A non-exhaustive report was generated based on findings from testing with the screen reader NVDA and desktop Chrome. The reliance on third-party libraries to produce various aspects of the map means that many issues are inherited from either Mapbox & Mapbox related libraries, or material-ui. It may be difficult to get them fixed at the source as it would involve working with multiple different parties. In many cases, it may be wise to consider a custom implementation, as many components are fairly standard.

Results by principle

Principle Results by principle
Perceivable 24 of 29
Operable 26 of 29
Understandable 16 of 17
Robust 2 of 3
Total 68 of 78




  1. Legend icons do not have alternative text (1.1.1)
  2. Control panel is out of sequence (1.3.2)
  3. Text cannot be resized independently of the content without causing overflow issues (1.4.4)
  4. Text lacks contrast (1.4.6)
  5. Tooltips do not meet hoverable requirements (1.4.13)
  6. The toggle layer display button is not operable by keyboard (2.1.1)
  7. Legend panes do not have focus styles (2.4.7)
  8. Many controls are too small (2.5.5)
  9. Inputs do not have an associated label (3.3.2)
  10. Control is styled as a select dropdown but behaves in a non-standard way (4.1.2)

Legend icons do not have alternative text


The toggle control for map display does not have any alt text, and is announced as a generic 'clickable' region or non-interactive control depending on the assistive technology's ability to detect that it is interactive.

Additionally, the image examples for each legend item do not have any alternative text. Screen reader users may have some degree of vision and may benefit from having the contents of the legend fully described.


The toggle control alternative text should distinguish the control from the ability to collapse the text below it. Presently, the UI is fairly confusing as there is a way to collapse the legend contents in addition to a way to hide map layers, but the both the visual design and the text labels do not make this distinction clear.

Consider exposing each graphic example as an image and attach alternative text to each legend option by using standard techniques. Alt text for a colored square might be something like "50% blue" or "medium blue". Alt text for a pattern may be something like "repeating chevron pattern".

WCAG criterion:
1.1.1: Non-text Content (external link)

Control panel is out of sequence


The control panel (present in the examples as a way to change the data displayed) is positioned in the top right corner. However, in the source order, this panel appears after the map information and credits. This has the potential to be very confusing for users, as the map credits imply that the map content is over.


Append the control panel before the map credits in the source order, consider adding the control panel as a custom control for greater control positioning.

WCAG criterion:
1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence (external link)

Text cannot be resized independently of the content without causing overflow issues

Screenshot of the map when the browser text size is increased. The data layer panels are cut off by the borders of the map, and the control panel overflows the map boundaries


When the browser font size is increased (note, this differs from zooming the whole page), text overflows the designated boundaries.


This can be approached in multiple ways. It would be good to rely more on relative units such as em and rem for sizing to ensure that elements and their containers scale proportionally. It may be necessary to use JavaScript to calculate the dimensions of various containers to make sure elements do not intersect.

WCAG criterion:
1.4.4: Resize text (external link)

Text lacks contrast


Legend text is #aaa on a #fff background, making the contrast ratio 2.32.

Map labels lack contrast in the default style used. The background of landmasses is #FCFCFD, whereas the text color is approximately #7C7D7E. This results in a contrast ratio of 4.02.


Bump up the text color to meet a contrast ratio of 4.5 to meet AA standards, or 7 to meet AAA standards.

WCAG criterion:
1.4.6: Contrast (Enhanced) (external link)

Tooltips do not meet hoverable requirements

Example of a tooltip from when you hover over a state


Tooltips do not meet the following requirements:

Dismissible: A mechanism is available to dismiss the additional content without moving pointer hover or keyboard focus, unless the additional content communicates an input error or does not obscure or replace other content;

Hoverable: If pointer hover can trigger the additional content, then the pointer can be moved over the additional content without the additional content disappearing

Both criterion are especially important for users who use screen magnification software, as the small size of the screen may leave them with less room to maneuver the cursor in a way that does not obscure the content they are trying to read.


Tooltips should be dismissed when the 'Escape' key is pressed, and remain in a singular static position, rather than following the cursor. See this guide by Sarah Higley for detailed guidelines on improving the accessibility of tooltips.

WCAG criterion:
1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus (external link)

The toggle layer display button is not operable by keyboard


The toggle layer button is not accessible by keyboard. Presently, a div element is used. A div element has no inherent semantics and is not naturally exposed in the tab order. The markup is shown below:

<div class="toggler toggler--visible"></div>


Use a button element. The surrounding legend panel may need to be refactored to use aria roles instead, as button elements are invalid children of the summary element. Additionally, the button needs a label for screen reader users.

<button class="toggler toggler--visible" aria-label="Toggle data layer on map"></button>
WCAG criterion:
2.1.1: Keyboard (external link)

Legend panes do not have focus styles


Each legend pane is currently marked up as a details element (this may pose issues if the toggle button is exposed later, as buttons cannot be nested), but the summary element has no focus style.


Add a focus style to the summary element.

WCAG criterion:
2.4.7: Focus Visible (external link)

Many controls are too small


Numerous controls do not meet the 44 * 44 pixels minimum required for interactive elements that are not inline., including both custom controls as well as controls styled by Mapbox.


Increase the size of elements so that they meet the minimum size requirements. In some cases, the design may not need to be altered by using padding to increase the target size instead of margin. Custom styles may need to be written to override Mapbox's own styles.

WCAG criterion:
2.5.5: Target Size (external link)

Inputs do not have an associated label


Inputs do not have a label associated with them. Both the control that allows the user to change what type of layer is displayed as well as the border width control are not programatically linked to a label. This may be an inherited issue from material-ui.

Select control markup:

<div class="MuiOutlinedInput-root MuiInputBase-root MuiInputBase-colorPrimary MuiInputBase-formControl MuiSelect-root css-9ddj71-MuiInputBase-root-MuiOutlinedInput-root">
<div tabindex="0" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-labelledby="outlined-choose-stats-label choose-stats" id="choose-stats" class="MuiSelect-select MuiSelect-outlined MuiOutlinedInput-input MuiInputBase-input css-11u53oe-MuiSelect-select-MuiInputBase-input-MuiOutlinedInput-input">Cases</div>
<fieldset aria-hidden="true" class="MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline css-1d3z3hw-MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline"><legend class="css-186xcr5"><span>Choose a Statistic</span></legend></fieldset>


Associate the inputs with a descriptive label to inform screen reader users. A wide variety of techniques, including proper use of the <label> element or the aria-label and aria-labelledby roles.

In the select markup, there is a hidden label contained within a fieldset element, but this is not a valid technique for linking a label to a control. Furthermore, the aria-hidden attribute on the fieldset appears to never be removed, so the label is never exposed.

WCAG criterion:
3.3.2: Labels or Instructions (external link)

Control is styled as a select dropdown but behaves in a non-standard way

Example of the select dropdown component


The select dropdown does not have the appropriate semantics. It appears as a styled select element, but is missing the combobox role and doesn't match the standard behavior of a select. For example, on a standard select, pressing escape on a selection will select the currently highlighted option, while collapsing the dropdown. This behavior is not replicated in this implementation. More significantly, it is completely inoperable when a screen reader is active. This appears to be an inherited problem from the parent library, material-ui, as there are open Github issues.


This component could be replaced with a native HTML select that is lightly styled. Due to the complexity of replicating native select behavior, most existing select libraries suffer from problems that would cause major barriers to users of assistive technology.

WCAG criterion:
4.1.2: Name, Role, Value (external link)


  1. Legend panes can overlap map controls
  2. Consider not using all capital letters for styling
  3. Support human-readable labels

Legend panes can overlap map controls

The top of the data layer panel is covering the zoom and rotation controls.


If the map height is too small, the legend panes overlap the map controls, covering the zoom and rotation controls completely.


Detect if there is enough space for the panels to be displayed, otherwise stack them differently or implement scrolling.


Consider not using all capital letters for styling


Screen readers sometimes have difficulty differentiating between acronyms and words when styling text in all capitals. For example, the text "MOST POPULAR ACCESSORIES IN AMONG US" may cause screen readers to announce the word "us" as U.S.


Consider removing text-transform: uppercase as a default style for greater accesibility.


Support human-readable labels


There are several areas which a label is displayed in a format typically associated with programming (ie. snake case, camel case). This can be hard to process for people with cognitive disabilities and may be read inconsistently by screen readers.


It is recommended to always allow for an author to provide an additional human-readable label.
